PhD Research Student Development Programme - Upcoming events

Monday, 25 February 2013

Charting an entrepreneurial career - event on 7th March

With increasing international competition, economic challenges, social change and the growing pressures of a complex and uncertain world, unlocking your enterprising capability as a researcher is vital to maximise the benefits gained from your research, to take forward your career or to start a new business.
Being an enterprising researcher
  • includes researchers' skills such as innovation, creativity, problem solving, communication, perseverance, dealing with uncertainty, practical action, and making the most of opportunities - all skills that are applied in research.
and is
  • a way of working in different environments such as within organisations (intrapreneurship) including universities, and much valued by employers
  • a route to setting up your own new business (entrepreneurship) or social enterprise
  • being successful in creating impact and knowledge exchange.
Wherever you are in your research career,  whether you are applying for research funding, moving into a new career or starting your own business (commercial or social) this day will enable you to understand your enterprising potential to create impact through research and take your ideas into a business.
"Individuals successful in enterprise or entrepreneurship often have heightened levels of self-awareness developed through reflecting upon, and continually learning from, their actions."
During the impact day, you will:
  • explore your own skills in relation to entrepreneurship
  • explore research impact in relation to grant applications and REF
  • explore different types of enterprise
  • hear from successful entrepreneurs
  • hear about social enterprise, commercialisation and knowledge exchange
  • network and plan next steps
This workshop is being held in London on 7th March and is free to attend. For more details and to book a place click here.