PhD Research Student Development Programme - Upcoming events

Thursday, 27 October 2011

PhD comics - the movie!

I am really pleased to announce that Queen Mary will be screening the PhD Comics Movie! If you’re not familiar with PhD comics, it describes itself as “"Piled Higher and Deeper", the ongoing chronicle of life (or the lack thereof) in grad school.” The comic strips have been going for years, but the film has only been released this autumn.

The details of the screening are:

Mon 14th November from 5:30pm in the Perrin Lecture Theatre, Whitechapel campus. The film is slightly over an hour long.

This is a free event for Queen Mary PhD students, postdoctoral researchers and staff, and it will be followed by a drinks reception in the Old Library, Whitechapel which everyone is encouraged to attend.

Places at this event can be booked on the Learning Institute booking system - the event is listed as “PhD comics movie screening”.

I look forward to seeing lots of you at this event!

Friday, 14 October 2011

British Library days for new PhD students

The National Postgraduate Open Days are specially tailored days of talks, workshops and networking opportunities at the British Library, focusing on your research subject. Each day includes a general introduction to relevant research sources, curator talks and workshops, and details on how to get a Reader Pass. To ensure the days are accessible to research postgraduates from across the UK, students from outside London may apply for a limited number of £30 travel bursaries.

The days are extremely popular, so early booking is advised. The days are free to attend and lunch is provided.

Open Days are currently offered in History, English Literature and Social Sciences.

For more information and to book a place visit the website.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

New academic year!

Apologies for the lateness of this post, but I'd just like to say a huge welcome to all PhD students who have recently started at Queen Mary, and a welcome to the 2011-12 academic year to current students, for whom I guess it's just business as usual! If you're new to this blog you can find out a bit more about me in the sidebar.

The Learning Institute programme of workshops for this year has started. You can see the calendar of what's coming up at the top of this page. I will also be using this blog to advertise other events that are running, both within Queen Mary and outside. If you want to find more out about the Learning Institute, what it offers and how to book on courses, please visit the main website, and the pages specifically for research students. You can find my contact details on the site - please get in touch if you have any questions, or any suggestions for things you would like to see on the blog or the website.

Hope to see you all at some workshops or events soon!