Next Wednesday (16th June) the first Cafe Scientifique event for PhD students and postdocs at QM is happening! This will hopefully be the first of a series of these events, designed to create a relaxed, informal atmosphere where researchers can enjoy free food and wine, chat to each other, hear talks from other researchers and take part in some fun activities such as pub-style quizzes.
These events are for researchers from all disciplines, and next week we will have ten minute talks from Helene Muller (Biological & Chemical Sciences), Tom Sebrell (History) and John Broad (Institute of Cell & Molecular Science). I am always on the lookout for volunteers to talk at future events too, so if you would like to talk about your research, or a related topic, in ten minutes to a very friendly, non-specialist audience, please get in touch!
The evening will start at 6pm at Bar Med, Library Square on the Mile End campus. Please come along - it should be a lot of fun!
To book a place (so we have an idea of numbers for catering) please e-mail Kevin Byron (